Digital Lab

O impacto da sustentabilidade no Futuro da Inovação Digital

O Impacto da Sustentabilidade no Futuro da Inovação Digital foi o tema do Digital Lab do Portugal Digital Awards 2022. Uma iniciativa Axians e IDC que contou com a presença de representantes de diversas organizações. Uma análise e partilha de ideias super interessante sobre o percurso do ecossistema empresarial no caminho da sustentabilidade.

João Catarino


Margarida Couto


Pedro Afonso

VINCI Energies

Carmo Palma

Axians Portugal

Gabriel Coimbra

IDC Portugal

Organizations around the world are increasingly implementing sustainability into their business life cycles, and they see environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors impacting their enterprise value. Therefore, corporate performance on ESG topics will be predominantly tracked and assessed through quantifiable, standardized, metrics-driven indicators, which not only help organizations respond to tightening regulatory and investor-related requirements but also improve their operational and financial performance and find competitive differentiation in the marketplace through more sustainable and sustainability-focused products and services. Technology is a key enabler for successful sustainable business transformation and corporate sustainability approaches that align a positive impact on people and the environment with the generation of financial profits.

IDC covers sustainability-related topics globally, either holistically or with a specific technology, industry, or geographic focus. Our diverse team of analysts has identified the following predictions regarding key sustainable business trends that will shape the IT and business landscape over the next few years:

  • Prediction 1: By 2023, 40% of G2000 companies will have completely embedded sustainability into their operations.
  • Prediction 2: 45% of organizations worldwide will consider sustainability considerations to be “very important” for their technology buying decisions by 2024.
  • Prediction 4: By 2023, 60% of the G2000 companies will have environmental sustainability parameters firmly embedded in their business KPIs.
  • Prediction 9: By 2023, 40% of organizations will mandate responsible sourcing policies and implement audit and accountability solutions requiring proof of compliance to build trust among consumers and stakeholders. 

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